MOLLE Web Dominator for Securing Hydration Tube
If you???re moving through the kind of brush we???ve got in New England late in the summer you know that stuff can get caught easily! With these straps that fit on your MOLLE pack you can secure your hydration tube to your pack for a neater hike with your tube easy to reach!
If you???re moving through the kind of brush we???ve got in New England late in the summer you know that stuff can get caught easily! With these straps that fit on your MOLLE pack you can secure your hydration tube to your pack for a neater hike with your tube easy to reach!
If you???re moving through the kind of brush we???ve got in New England late in the summer you know that stuff can get caught easily! With these straps that fit on your MOLLE pack you can secure your hydration tube to your pack for a neater hike with your tube easy to reach!